Unleashing my power within thanks to Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins made me a little giddy and drunk

The amazing 4 days of personal development I’ll never forget

Have you ever had a life experience where you walk away thinking, ‘Holy hell, that was freaking amazing’? That was me after the 4-day Unleash The Power Within event with Tony Robbins.

If you don’t know Tony Robbins, he’s world’s #1 life and business strategist, a best-selling author, and entrepreneur and a philanthropist. After being a fan for many years, I decided it was my time to get along to meet the great man in person.

And oh my, I not only drank him up but I think I got a little drunk!

Before I went, I stalked previous events, so I had some idea what to expect from his Unleash the Power Within sessions. And guess what I saw – a picture of Oprah Winfrey walking on hot coals. Yep, that’s seriously one of the things to do.

My initial thoughts were, ‘I’m not going to walk on hot coals as I have nothing to prove to anyone’. But when I was there, it was hard to pass up the opportunity to feel like Oprah!

Tony puts you into such a relaxed, yet excited state as you approach the fire walk. Before I knew it, I had walked barefoot across the hot coals, without feeling any burning sensation or getting a single blister. I walked away with an incredible sense of achievement.

Here are my top 5 takeaways from this must-attend Tony Robbins event

1. If I can’t then I must!

This was my biggest takeaway from the 4 days. How common is it that when we think we can’t do something, that we don’t do it – it’s our mindset. When you say you can’t do something, it’s simply negativity telling you that because it feels a little uncomfortable you should do it. But the best things always happen when we get out of our comfort zones and go after those ‘I can’t’ things in life. Change your thinking from ‘I can’t’ to ‘I must’.

2. Rituals define us

We all have the little rituals that we stick to – some good and some bad. You need to be focussing on your positive rituals. Tony has a process called ‘Priming’ that trains and directs your mind to find lasting results you’re after. I found it to be a super powerful ritual, focussing on breathing and movement to centre myself and getting pried for whatever the day brings. When I got home, I asked my kids to join me. My son lasted a few days, but I still need to convince my daughter how good it is (one day!).

3. You lack resourcefulness, not resources

How often does this happen to you – you say you can’t do something because you don’t have the resources. You can’t take a holiday because you don’t have anyone to cover for you. You can’t buy that new top because you have to buy groceries instead. You can’t have a night out as you can’t find a babysitter. Tony shows us how these are excuses and it’s not that we lack resources, but resourcefulness.

4. Change your story, change your life

We are all so good at telling ourselves stories – over and over again. But deep within, you have the power to change your story to pave the way for a positive future. Your past stories do not define your future. Tony had a traumatic childhood with a mother so abusive; she once poured detergent down his throat. Sad hey? Tony didn’t let his childhood story define him. Be he used it as a power to drive himself to shape a better future – change your life by changing your focus. Being courageous means you’re afraid, but you do it anyway.

5. Turn your shoulds into musts

What’s your list of shoulds? You should exercise. You should eat better. You should sleep more. You should stop working at nights. You should spend more time outside in the sunshine. You should walk your dog more. Tony helps you change your thinking to make your shoulds into musts. And when you do this, they suddenly become non-negotiables. Try turning your shoulds into a must and see how much more you tick off your list.

One taste of Tony Robbins and I’m left wanting more

These were only my top 5 takeaways from this powerful 4-day event. My head is still swimming with all the positive thoughts and ideas I have discovered floating around in there. It’s no wonder why he’s the world’s leading life strategist. The things he says just make sense. I MUST save for future events and WILL attend.

Have you ever experienced Tony Robbins – books or events?

If you’re a Tony fan, I’d love for you to share your experiences with us all too. What have you read or attended and what did you get out of it. Have you changed your life because of it? Please share!


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