Want social media success? Be consistent!
It’s as easy as that…
It’s no secret that social media has become the new marketing. It’s the best way for businesses to stay in front of their customers and to promote their products or services.
So, how are you going?
I’m sure you’ve worked out by now that you need to be creating some click-worthy, winning content and you’re working on it, either by yourself or with the help of a content creator.
But that’s where a lot of people fall into the hole of social media.
They’re so busy creating that one winning piece of content that will get them noticed that they forget perhaps the biggest factor in social media success.
Yes, it’s still the Queen!
Why consistency is the queen of social media
People are so quick to jump onto new things these days, that if you’re not staying in front of your clients, they are likely to – well not forget you but – be distracted by a shiny new object.
The old saying, ‘out of sight, out of mind’ is super true for social media.
It’s also all about algorithms. And you want to stay on the right side of algorithms.
The social media powers that be (Instagram, Facebook etc.) are watching. While you’re ignoring your social media, you’re not getting engagement. The platforms notice this. You can’t just pick up where you left off, and you need to build it up again. You MUST build engagement with your followers, so the social platforms show your content consistently.
The algorithms reward consistency and engagement – these are the two main things you need to succeed with your social media.
But who seriously has time for consistency?
Being consistent takes time, but I have an amazing way of getting it done quickly.
It’s called batching.
I create enough posts for a week or two at a time. Sometimes I go up to a month if I have the time. I know it’s all done, and I can schedule my posts to be released at certain times over the week. Then I simply need to watch and engage.
You do need to commit to posting consistently, and if you’re stuck for ideas, you can check out my eBook, ‘Your Ultimate Guide to Creating Engaging Content’.
You can also try creating theme days to help you create posts for certain days. For example:
Monday Motivation
Tip Tuesday
Wisdom Wednesday
Thursday Thoughts
Freebie Friday or Fun Friday
Social Saturday
Self-care Sunday
Need help finding your consistency?
Consistency on social media helps you build the ‘know, like and trust’ factor – and that’s what creates loyal clients. People want a reason to follow you and engage with your posts. If you’re not consistent, people will lose trust in you.
If you need help sorting out a content calendar to find your consistency, I’d be happy to have a chat with you. Please feel free to get in touch.
Image via Ivory Mix