Easy ways to get more out of your content

And it starts with just one little blog

Some days finding the time to sit down and write a blog is impossible. You know you’ve got to do it, but if it’s not your passion, you’ll put it off. I know I do!

But once you’ve written a blog, it’s as satisfying as a cool breeze at the end of a hot day. You can finally sit back and breathe again. So, what comes next?

You post it on your website. You do some promo. You monitor responses.

Then what?

So many business owners set and forget. They leave the blog and go on to think about their next jobs, including what they’re going to post on their socials for the day.

Wait! Shouldn’t you be using your blog posts for this? And any other content you may have too!

Here’s a few ways to get the most out of one blog

1. Rejig and post to LinkedIn and Medium.com: If you’re wondering what the heck you’re meant to do with LinkedIn, you should rejig your blog post (shorten it and format to suit) and upload it as an article. It’s a great way of reaching a new audience. You can also do the same with sites like Medium.com who are always looking for contributions.

2. Email newsletters: You can use the basis of your blog for your email newsletter. Summarise what your blog is about in the body of your newsletter and link to it. Add a few more extra little bits, like your monthly piece of advice and any special offers you have and voila – one blog post shared and one email newsletter sent.

3. Create an eBook: Once you’ve created a series of blogs that are all on the same or similar topic, use them to turn them into an eBook. If you’re not great at design, buddy up with a designer and ask them to turn them into something magical for you. You can then use the eBook as either a sign up on your website or make it a sellable item for some extra income.

4. Use if for social media snippets: Stop struggling to come up with social media posts by using snippets from your blogs. Find the little golden nuggets and share those thoughts. Also, make sure you write snippets to promo your blog posts on your socials to encourage reading and sharing.

A few more quick ideas for blog repurposing:

  • Create a series of guest blog posts

  • Turn them into a webinar – either host it yourself or ask to hold a webinar for a well-known company/person

  • Create an infographic or chart people can share

  • Use the words and record podcasts or videos

  • Submit them to content communities or ask people if you can be a guest blogger

  • Post to Quora

  • Make a presentation for SlideShare to reach a new audience

  • Go live and create a series of Insta stories or a Facebook lives

  • If you’ve interviewed people in your blogs, gather them all together and make an expert advice eBook

  • Break up longer blogs into a series of shorter blog posts

Writing and re-purposing not your thing?

If you’re struggling to find time to write your blogs or repurpose them for social media, I’m happy to have a chat with you. It’s easier than you think – you can do it yourself or we can chat about how I can help you.

If you’ve got any further tips or tricks about content repurposing, please feel free to share them below.


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